This is my webpage for GITA 1. We
are studying C#. Its my second year of computer
science. This class is difficult and rigorous, but
it is still fun to learn about something that I
didn't previously know a lot about.

About Page
In our first project, we used an imaginary company to help us learn about buttons, colors, and labels. Being our first project, it also taught us how to navigate around Visual Studio.

Mailing Label
In this project, we learned how to use a user input and make it paste information into a mailing label. This taught us how to use new features like pictureboxes, textboxes, and variables.

Car Rental
In this project, we learned how to use radio buttons to simulate a car rental company. This also taught us how to input different math related terms like multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, and decimals.

BMI Calculator
In this project, we learned how to use a try and catch to calculate a BMI based on the user's input. After finding the BMI, it recomends a meal plan for the week.

Car Rental Upgrade
In this project, we improved our original Car Rental by including more options to choose from. This made it so that we had to manage more variables and do more advanced math.

Triangle Checker
In this project we had user inputs, and depending on their three different inputs, it would tell them which type of triangle it was. This was some what challenging, as we had to juggle the different percentages of times they got each triangle.

Craps Game
In this project, we learned how to randomize numbers to simulate a casino game called Craps. This game incorporates betting, so try your best to make as much money as you can.

Slot Machine
In this project, we simulated a real life slot machine where if you get three of the same icons, you win. We used both randomization and betting to create a game where you can try your luck to win big.

Robotic - Over Under Calculator
In this project, we had to create a program to handle the scoring of the Robotics Vex VRC Over Under Game. This was the hardest project, with the elevation scoring being extremely difficult.

Incremental Game
In this project, we made an incremental game, similar to the game cookie clicker. While making this project, we learned how to implement sound into our projects.

Spooky Staircase
In this project, we learned how to use arrays to simulate a person going up and down a staircase. When you get to the top, an alien will appear, and when you get to the bottom, a monster will appear.

AI Chase
In this project, we simulated an ai chasing you. The objective of the game is to last as long as you can, with the ai getting progressively faster every time it is defeated.

2D Submarines
In this project, we learned how to use a 2D array to make 2 submarines simultaneously move. When the submarines crash or hit th wall, they will recieve a bump. After 25 bumps, your submarine sinks.

Fishing Simulator
In this project, we simulated a boat moving back and forth while you try and catch all 20 fish. There is a shark in the ocean trying to eat the fish, so catch all of them before the shark does.

Tic Tac Toe
In this project, we made a regular tic-tac-toe game where you can play with your friends. It is built for two player mode and tracks how many times you win. Normal tic-tac-toe rules apply.

Math Menu
In this project, we made a calculator that solves both basic and advanced math. In the basic math, it will determine if your number input is an even number, odd number, factorial, or prime number. In the advanced math, it will give you the fibonacci squence, summation, and divisor of your input.

Simple Board Game
In this project, we made a board game that allows you to roll die to move squares. In my game, the goal is to get 10 fish with the special squares both helping and hurting you. If you get 10 fish, you win. If you get to 0 fish, you lose.

Bees Simulator
In this project, we simulated bees going back and forth between the hive and flower. By getting enough pollen, you can access the shop to buy upgrades. The point of the game is to get as much pollen as you can.

Final Project
In this project, we used everything we learned this year to create our own game. My game is called Penguin Escape and the goal is to get out of the course before the ai catches you. There are different power ups to help you beat this game. Enjoy!